Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hard Drive

People always seem to use the term Hard Drive and Memory interchangeably, but this is not the case.  First of all I want to try and clear up some of the common misconceptions of what is a hard drive.  The most common way that hard drive is misused is when people use it in place of the word tower.

This is a tower:

Next this is a picture of a hard drive:

The definition of  hard drive from dictionary.com is this, " Hard Drive–noun a disk drive containing a hard disk."

Umm yeah I can imagine why people don't know what these are. A hard drive is what you save your computer files on.  The difference between this and memory is when you shut your computer off, the files that are in your memory go away, and the files that are on your hard drive stay saved.  There are a lot of fancy hard drives that people use, but they dont think of them as such.  I have attached a couple pictures so that you can have an idea of what a hard drive can be.

First off any device that you can save files on permanently is a hard drive in my opinion.  Here are a few examples:

The last one you see is an ipod.  This is a fancy hard drive and one that you only would use for specific uses, but at the end of the day to me all it is a fancy hard drive. 
When I think of a hard drive, I like to think of a warehouse.  When you leave your warehouse at night time, all of the things you save and store in that warehouse will be there when you need to go back and access those things.

As always please email me any computer questions you want me to answer at computerchampion10 at gmail dot com!

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