Sunday, November 28, 2010


Well everybody, I am back with another posting for you all to enjoy.  Today the topic I will be discussing briefly is Memory.  No not this kind of memory:

The kind of memory today I will be talking about is the kind that is used in the computer, and is commonly referred to as RAM.  When you use your computer, the RAM is what is used to access the files and programs you want to access on your computer.  A picture of what ram looks like is below:

Whenever I think of a computer I think of things that you can compare them to.  The best example of something that you can compare RAM with is a forklift in a warehouse.  When you have a large warehouse (Hard Drive) you need to have a forklift to be able to access all of the files and programs that you have stored on your shelves.  The more forklifts you have, or the more RAM, the faster you will be able to access all of those files and programs from your shelves (Hard Drive).  At the end of the day when you shut down warehouse and the forklifts shut off, the files on the shelves stay there, and the RAM rests.

As always please email me any computer questions you want me to answer at computerchampion10 at gmail dot com!

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